Veterinary Drug Residue

Veterinary drugs are important in maintaining the health and productivity of agricultural animals, and the health of companion animals. The compounds are applied to prevent or treat diseases or to promote growth. Depending on the specific compound and its application the use of veterinary drugs is regulated by international and national legislation and either banned with zero- tolerance or permitted up to specific concentration levels in the final food product.
In order to protect public health, maximum residue limits should be established in accordance with generally recognised principles of safety assessment, taking into account toxicological risks, environmental contamination, as well the microbiological and pharmacological effects of residues.
Abuse of veterinary drugs and consequently their residues in food has become an increasing problem due to economic pressure on farmers and changes in breeding practices. Public perception and the growing awareness of this issue have raised the interest among regulators to check for such residues.
Eurofins has implemented state of the art technology for screening and confirmation of veterinary drugs by LC-MS/MS technology. All analyses are performed in accordance with national and international standards with accredited methods.
- Chloramphenicol
- Coccidiostats
- Nitrofuran Metabolites
- Beta-Agonists (Clenbuterol, Ractopamine, Salbutamol)
- Nitroimidazoles
- Malachite green and Crystal violet
- Quinolones und Fluoroquinolones
- Tetracycline
- Sulfonamides
- Beta-lactams (Penicillin)